Thursday, June 9, 2016

How Stuff Works?

Class Evaluation

1.      The number one thing that I enjoyed the most was working on several different projects that included learning new things that we didn’t even know where already invented.

2.      There was not anything that I did not like in particular from this class, overall it was always a fun and enjoyable class to walk in to.

3.      A recommendation that I would have for this class is to give more assignments that are due as a group or a pair to have more fun and make it more interesting.

4.      The highlight of this class was when we were working on the Internet dictionary because it was challenging looking for all the words and getting to understand them.

5.      I felt like I did my best in this class because I often stressed over completing the task that was given to us by the teacher.

6.      On a daily basis I do read my Life Planning Goals , even when I don’t have this class I push myself to read my life planning goals .It is probably once every month in which I don’t read my Life Planning goals because I tend to be really busy doing other things at times.

7.      I made the commitment of choosing the right last year when I had this class last year when I had Mr. Haymore for new media class. I am committed to choosing the right because it feels good and it can lead to success.

8.      What I learned most in this class is how the internet does millions of things before we get what we want. I also learned how to use HTML and all those types of things.

9.The thing that will instantly pop up to mid when they ask me about this class is how much Mr. Haymore our teacher stresses over expressing to us how important it is to always Choose The Right
Last Lecture 

"You will go far with CTR"

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 CTR is an acronym for Choosing the right.CTR is an important task to do because it is something that should be daily not the days you choose you want to do it.Choosing the right can lead you to success and having good vibes . Such as having a good relationships with friends , teacher , and also family. Somebody whom chooses the right is always respectful , honest , hard-working , kind and they also tend to show us good sportsmanship.Most of the time it will easily be noticed the difference when someone chooses the right from someone who doesnt choose the right. Someone who chooses the wrong is lazy , uses drugs or alcohol , dishonest and also disrespectful.You can lead your own way , which will it be ? The right way or the wrong way ?

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Becoming Your Best:

The 12 Pricnicples of Highly Successful Leaders: 

1.Be True to character : Character  means you have your own mental and moral qualities of yourself or of an individual.Staying true to your own character is a major key that tends to be forgotten about over time.Staying true to what your major mental and moral qualities is very imprtant because it is what you think not what others think about it.
2.Use Your Imagination

3. Apply the power of knowledge- The power of knowledge ois the greates power anybody can have.You gain knowledge by reading more frequently as the time goes by .Knowledge is power and power is knowledge . The more knowledge you the more money you can earn .We may know that money is an important thing to everyone in this world.

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4.Never give up- A very simple understanding principle for highly successful leaders. Never giving up means that you dont procrastinate at all . Procrastination is a very tough thing that a lot of people tend to do . Some people tend to give up when they lose their motivation or there will.If it takes you a while to complete it or something very difficult then complete . Your already tired and not done , might as well finish what you have started. 

5.Find peace and balance- Finding and looking for peace and balance may be hard or may be easy depending on whom you surround yourself with.Finding peace may be easy because you already have it at home.Finding balance can be a little more chalenging because you might have a lot of homework and as well as many chores.You have to figure out a way in which you can 2 both and still be productive.It may be difficult but when you figure it out it turns in to a routine and it is easiest thing you can possibly do.

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6.Live the Golden Rule-The Golden Rule states, "Treat others as you would want to be treated". Simple yet interesting.Treat the way you would like to get treated.If you treat some people with disrespect then guess how you are going to be treated ? Your right woth disrespect as well.If you treat someone with respect then guess how you should expect to be treated? Your right you should also be treated with respect.

7. Build and Maintain Trust : Maintining trust may be difficult depending on the rmotive that you are trusting someone .Whether it is with money or in a relationship maintining trust is hard but it is important.Building trust is important therefore it leads to maintaining.Building it may help by being respectful , honest , caring and most obviously important is being trustworthy.Maintaining is simple just continue being trustworthy , respectful and honest.If those 3 things are followed i see no reason for someone not to have trust in you.This is an excellent quote because John is explaining to us that in order to keep each others trust you must always get to know each other and get comfortable with one another.He's also trying to explain to us that you must get to know each other.It benefits one another.
"I force people to have coffee with me, just because I don't trust that a friendship can be maintained without any other senses besides a computer or cellphone screen." John Cusack

8.Quick to listen slow to wrath-  Listening quickly can lead to slow anger. This may be one of the more important principles of highly successful leaders. Steve Shallenberger is telling us that we in fact tend to listen quickly and anger slowly.The quote that i selected is an example of this principle given to us by the author.The anonymous speaker stated , "anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind"The anonymous speaker is telling you and I that us the people seem to get angry at something we say before we actually even think about  what we speak.
Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.

9.Lead with Vision - Leading with vision is  as important to any other tip to becoming a more successful person.  Leading with vision means that you are leading with a purpose and with a tone to set in order for you to reach your goal that you are trying to accomplish. In order for people to believe what you are trying to do , you have to set a visual example of what your goal or your destination may look like and how you guys are going to reach it . In example , when you were once a little kid , you had your plans in your mind.As well as of how you will look and how you will live.This is pretty much what Jonathan Swift is telling us .He is explaining to us that we all have different visions and visualizations which is what makes it unique.You must have to vizualize what others can't see and believe.
Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. Jonathan Swift
10 Manage with a Plan-

11.Do what matters the most-  Doing what matters the most should always be everyones number one priority no matter the scene that you are in . Doing what is most beneficial for you can also be a situation in which you are in sure to do . In the following quote stated by Akshay Kumar he is giving us a great explaination of keeping your family in front of your work because family is what matters most.For example it is best if you work five days a week and go out with your family the other two . Rather than working all seven days and not keeping the family outgoing and happy 
Work is work, but family is for life. That's what really matters to me. Akshay Kumar

12.Be Accountable - The meaning of the word accountable is to justify our own actions , or decisions. In other words the word accountable is also very similar to being very responsible. Being accountable is a major importance because it helps yourself stay on track and be responsible for everything you do.This is a marvelous quote given by Antonio Villaraigosa and he is stating to us that everyone and anyone who does anything for a living should be responsible or accountable . No exceptions no exclusions we must all be accountable at all time 
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Let me be clear - no one is above the law. Not a politician, not a priest, not a criminal, not a police officer. We are all accountable for our actions. Antonio Villaraigosa

Monday, April 25, 2016

9. Talk to yourself

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As crazy as this may possibly sound it is best for yourself if you talk to yourself. You may think, only crazy people talk to themselves why would I want to do that. It is best if you ask yourself simple questions like, “What is best for me “, “Will this hurt anybody that I care about”, and “In what ways will this affect me in the near future”? Talking to yourself doesn’t necessarily make you look dumb , it just makes you have a higher self-esteem about the choices in which you are trying to complete.

10.Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

When you are honest about a certain thing , it is best if you give yourself a compliment or a prize for being an honest person.This can lead for you to becoming more and more honest as the time and everything goes by.Telling the truth may stick to your mind more and it can lead towards you being lie-free.It starts becoming a habit as you say what is suppose to be said and it can lead to something that is very positive helping yourself.Being more honest can lead towards others trusting you and your word because you no longer say something that is not true.
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Final Reflection:

The 10 Tips for being more truthful are a very important message that should be followed by everyone out there whom has a life.The 10 tips should be followed because they benefit you in a way of  leading you in the correct path if that is your choice.The most important tip that I will be applyisng is tip number 3. The third tip states that think about what you will say before you give an dishonest answer.This is a great tip it is telling us to think about what we say before we actually say something.The 3rd tip is the tip I will try my best to incorporate first , but I will do the best of my ability to add the rest of these tips.